“How do I compete with the BIG DOGS?”

https://coachdavidkeeseeblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/How-Do-I-Compete-with-the-BIG-DOGS.mp3   “How do I compete with the BIG DOGS?” POINT #1: Why would someone go with you instead of the competition? POINT #2:  Consider that sometimes your...

Do THIS with your leads!

https://coachdavidkeeseeblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/Lead-Heirarchy.mp3   Do This With Your Leads POINT #1: People think that if they just go out and spend a lot of money on generating leads, that they’re going to do more business.  And that’s...

Pitch Anything…A Book Review

https://coachdavidkeeseeblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/PITCH-ANYTHING-BOOK-REVIEW.mp3   Pitch Anything…A Book Review POINT #1: A good approach to have when you read books is to ask yourself “Where’s the million dollar idea in here?”...

3 Mandates for Winning…

https://coachdavidkeeseeblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/3-MANDATES-PODCAST.mp3 3 Mandates for winning in 2018 POINT #1: The same strategies and habits won’t get you better results. POINT #2:  The fastest way to lower your gap tax is to raise your skills....


https://coachdavidkeeseeblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/You-must-follow-the-rules-of-the-game.mp3 YOU MUST FOLLOW THE RULES OF THE GAME POINT #1: There are certain unwritten rules for winning the game you are playing.   POINT #2: Your rules may or may not be the...