If you walk into any top producers office, what you will notice is that they are very FOCUSED!
The question is, focused on what?
Most of us focus on the symptoms rather than the cause. For example, are you dealing with problem clients? You know, the ones that are just a pain in the butt!
Well, consider that the problem clients are not the problem. Yet, they can take up a large amount of our focus. But the problem client is not the problem. They are a symptom of a larger issue.
See, if you had 10 MORE LISTINGS, 5 other HIGH QUALITY BUYER LEADS that you were showing property to, you wouldn’t even be bothering with this “problem client”.
Its time to dial in your focus on the things that matter [First Name], the things that inspire you and the things that move your business forward. But here is the catch…focus on the wrong things, and you’ll be doing things that don’t move the needle.